
Pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics (PKPD) are a set of processes that describe the time course of effects to drugs.  Pharmacometrics is the discipline that provides an understanding of the quantification of PKPD systems by using models and modelling.

PK describes the time course of changes of the concentration of a drug in the body.  PD describes the link between the concentration and some effect of interest.  The combination of PK and PD, to form PKPD, provides the link between drug effects and time.  Studying PKPD provides the basis to understand the time course of onset, the duration and the extent of effects caused by drugs.

We offer a selection of workshops covering introductory and advanced topics in PKPD as well as courses in estimation and design.

The advanced course is The Sheiner and Rowland Advanced Course in PKPD. The typical timetable for the Advanced Course covers 4 and half days with a mix of lectures and workshops.