An advanced course presenting aspects and applications of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and kinetic/dynamic data analysis in the medical and pharmaceutical sciences.
For whom intended:
The Course is designed for those who have a good working knowledge of basic concepts in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and data analysis and who now wish to extend their knowledge further. Emphasis will be placed on relating pharmacokinetics to underlying physiological processes and to pharmacodynamics, and on the analysis and modelling of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data.
Course content:
The mornings will be devoted to lectures; the afternoons to small-group workshops led by experienced tutors, in which participants will solve practical problems and develop facility with the techniques and approaches discussed in the lectures. The participants are encouraged to raise questions from their experience for discussion: time is specifically reserved for informal consultations.
Course manual:
A course manual, comprising lecture outlines, derivations, problem sets with answers, and additional reading material will be provided in an electronic format. Participants should come with a scientific hand calculator.
Topics to be covered include:
- Empirical models for pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
- Mechanistic models for pharmacokinetics (compartmental, physiological) and pharmacodynamics (receptor theory) and combined PKPD (immediate and delayed effects)
- Data analysis techniques for empirical or mechanistic modeling: point estimates, confidence intervals, hypothesis tests.
- Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
- Disease progress and drug action modeling
- Optimal design